Over 1000 people partoke in Belfast’s first Canna-walk

As the crowds gathered at Belfast City hall there were speeches from various cannabis activists, recreational users, medicinal users and representatives of local cannabis social clubs.
Unlike many parades that take place in Northern Ireland dozens of armored police land rovers didn’t line the streets, instead the marchers were ushered along the parade route by the city center beat police van and a few smiling officers.
As the parade made it’s way through Belfast onlookers cheered in support, I heard young and old talk about how it’s medicinal, or how it shouldn’t be a crime and other words of support.
On several occasions the guys on the megaphone had everyone cheer for the PSNI, and why not? The police on the day treated the marchers with the upmost respect.
As the march entered Botanic Gardens to join the annual 8th annual 420 Smoke Out the police left the paraders at the gates, not entering the park and wishing everyone a happy 420. Happy days.